Monday, March 8, 2010

Africa becoming global petroleum exporter

Click link below for video-

Shell, BP, Engen & SDCEA (2006) Pt1

Conflicts and tensions in the Middle East have made countries look for a new source of petroleum, and with the rise of nationalist governments in Central and South America Many countries in Africa are stepping in as the new dealers. The upside for Africa is there has been an upsurge in oil prices. This creates an influx of income from petroleum exports. Unfortunatley, in many cases the environment suffers and some nations become allocation states. Allocation states rely on foreign companies to mine the resources and to provide the workforce to do so. Their income comes primarily from the trade of their resources and not from tax revenues. These countries many times also lack a central bureaucracy. These are the top ten oil producing countries in Africa using statistics published by the US Energy Agency for 2005:
10) Gabon (Production: 226,000 barrels per day)
9) Congo Brazzaville (Production:227,000 barrels per day)
8) Chad (Production: 249,000 barrels per day)
7) Equatorial Guinea (Production: 356,000 barrels per day)
6) Sudan (Production: 363,000 barrels per day)
5) Egypt (Production: 579,000 barrels per day)
4) Angola (Production: 1,250,000 barrels per day)
3) Libya (Production: 1,600,000 barrels per day)
2) Algeria (Production: 2,080,000 barrels per day)
1) Nigeria (Production: 2,600,000 barrels per day)

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